M i n i s t r i e s
Sunday School for all ages: 9:45-10:30am
Programs for Adults Bible Study is held on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings. Wednesday evening begins at 7pm, and Thursday morning Bible Study begins at 9am. To participate, you don’t need any knowledge of the Bible, you don’t even need your own Bible, just a heart that wants to learn. Come and join us as we study God’s word together. The Yacht Club This men's group meets once a month at 8:30am for breakfast. Watch the bulletin & website for meeting dates and places. The Yacht Club provides an annual ladies appreciation dinner, as well as numerous service projects. The group also has an annual retreat. The Women's Breakfast Club Watch the bulletin and newsletter for their once a month breakfast fellowship meetings and other activities. Kids for Christ
Wednesday evenings, we have a program called Kids for Christ. It is open to all children, 4 years of age through 12th grades. Transportation is provided. Dinner is served 5:30-6pm. Classes begin at 6pm with closing at 7pm. Your children will experience Christianity in a class with their peers. Feel free to join us for dinner and class time. KFC begins in September, and ends on the Wednesday after Easter. Vacation Bible School - Held the 3rd. week in July for kids Pre-K through 8th. grade Church Camp The Churches of God, General conference has 1 church camp in Ohio, Camp Otyokwah (Butler, OH, near Mansfield). There are 5 weeks of camp 4th-5th grade (Jr. Week) 6th-7th grade (Intermediate Week) 8th-9th grade (Jr. High Week) and 10-12th grades (Senior High Week) Camp begins 2nd week of June through July. There is also Pioneer week, for very young campers. There is a cost to attend. If you are interested in your child going, please see the pastor. Visit their website: http://otyokwah.org |